7 Alarming Reasons For The High Divorce Rate In Singapore

7 Alarming Reasons For The High Divorce Rate In Singapore

The increasing divorce rate in Singapore has become a pressing concern for policymakers, social and family development experts, and the public at large.

In 2021, the divorce rate for males saw a notable increase, with 7.2 male divorcees per thousand married men aged 20 and above, compared to 6.3 in the previous year. Likewise, the divorce rate for females also experienced a rise, reaching 6.9 female divorcees per thousand married women aged 20 and above in 2021, up from 6.1 in 2020.

This article explores the main factors contributing to the high divorce rate in Singapore, focusing on adultery and domestic violence. It underscores the importance of understanding these reasons to devise effective solutions.

1. Socioeconomic Factors

Economic pressures are significant contributing factors to the high divorce rate in Singapore. The rising costs of living and housing create a financial burden on married couples, often leading to stress and disagreements over money.

The Department of Statistics reported that the median age of divorced couples in 2021 was 41.3 years for men and 43.9 years for women, reflecting that younger couples are particularly vulnerable to these pressures.

Additionally, changing gender roles and expectations have profoundly impacted marriages. As more women join the workforce and attain higher education, the traditional expectations of a husband being the sole breadwinner gradually fade. 

This shift can lead to conflict and dissatisfaction in marriages where both partners struggle to balance work and family life.

2. Financial Woes

Financial Woes

Financial stability is an essential cornerstone of a harmonious relationship in today’s fast-paced world. Unfortunately, economic burdens have proven to be a silent yet potent force driving a wedge between couples. 

These burdens can manifest in various ways, from the stressful management of household expenses to the frustration of debt obligations.

Differences in money management styles can heighten tensions. Disagreements over spending habits, saving priorities, and investment decisions can erode trust and intimacy, leaving partners feeling isolated and unsupported.

3. Communication And Compatibility Issues

Healthy communication is a cornerstone of successful marriages. Unfortunately, many couples encounter difficulties in this area, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. 

Poor communication can worsen compatibility issues, such as differences in values or interests, contributing to marital dissolution.

4. Adultery


Adultery is one of the leading causes of divorce in Singapore. Defined as a voluntary sexual relationship between a married person and someone not their spouse, cheating can have devastating consequences for marriages.

People often engage in extramarital affairs due to unhappiness in their marriage, seeking excitement, or as a way to escape from their problems. 

The discovery of an affair can erode trust and cause irreparable damage to the relationship.

In Singapore, adultery can impact divorce proceedings, as it is considered one of the grounds for a fault-based divorce. 

This means that a spouse who can prove their partner’s infidelity may gain an advantage regarding the division of assets and child custody arrangements.

5. Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is another critical factor contributing to the high divorce rate in Singapore. This term refers to a pattern of abusive behaviour in a relationship, which may take the form of physical, emotional, or psychological abuse.

Domestic violence can be a significant factor in divorce applications, as it often leads to a breakdown of marital relationships.

The Ministry of Social and Family Development reported a 112% increase in domestic violence cases in the same period, indicating a pressing issue that needs to be addressed.

Victims of domestic violence in Singapore can access support services, such as helplines, shelters, and counselling services, to help them escape abusive situations and rebuild their lives.

6. Lack Of Robust Support Systems

A robust support system is crucial for couples to navigate the challenges they may face in their marriage.

Unfortunately, many couples lack adequate support from family, friends, or professional help, leading to feelings of isolation and increased stress.

Marriage counselling and therapy can play a significant role in helping couples improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their relationship.

However, the stigma of seeking help may prevent some couples from accessing these services.

7. Legal And Cultural Changes

Legal And Cultural Changes

Singapore’s legal and cultural landscape has evolved significantly in recent years, potentially contributing to the rising divorce rate.

The introduction of no-fault divorce, which allows couples to end their marriage without assigning blame, has made it easier for couples to obtain a divorce. 

This may lead to more divorce applications and more couples ending their marriage rather than working through their issues.

Moreover, cultural norms and values in Singapore are shifting, with attitudes towards marriage and divorce undergoing significant changes.

While marriage was once viewed as a lifelong commitment, more people are now open to divorce as a viable option when a relationship becomes untenable.

This change in mindset and an increasing emphasis on individual happiness may contribute to the rising number of marriages ending in divorce.


The high divorce rate in Singapore can be attributed to several interconnected factors. The lack of support systems and ever-changing legal and cultural landscapes have also played a part in the growing number of marital dissolutions.

Fostering resilient relationships requires an active understanding of how all these factors holistically connect. Ensuring adequate and accessible marital support for divorcing couples can ultimately help build a strong foundation for lasting marriages.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce Rate Singapore

Who Initiates Divorce In Singapore?

In Singapore, either spouse can initiate divorce proceedings. However, it is observed that women tend to initiate divorce more often than men.

According to the Department of Statistics, women filed for approximately two-thirds of all civil divorces in recent years. The reasons behind this vary, including personal factors, cultural expectations, and the desire for financial independence.

How Does Cheating Impact Divorce Rates?

Adultery is considered legal grounds for divorce under the Women’s Charter if the spouse filing for divorce finds living with the unfaithful partner intolerable. Cheating can lead to a breakdown in trust and intimacy, creating irreconcilable differences that ultimately end a marriage.

What Is The Number 1 Cause Of Divorce In Singapore?

Pinpointing a single cause as the number of reasons for divorce is difficult, as multiple factors often contribute to marital dissolutions.

However, some common reasons include the following:

  • Communication issues
  • Financial woes
  • Infidelity
  • Incompatibility

Can I Hire A Private Investigator For Divorce Proceedings?

Yes, you can hire a private investigator in Singapore for divorce proceedings, particularly if you suspect adultery and need to gather evidence to support your case. Private investigators can provide valuable information on a spouse’s conduct, which may be crucial in proving fault-based grounds for divorce, such as adultery or unreasonable behaviour.

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