First and foremost, a Private Investigator /Detective agency must be licensed by the SPF (Singapore Police Force.) Showing a potential client one’s past achievements and commendations are insufficient. It does not indicate satisfactory services. In this information age, information is easily accessed online. Reviews, testimonials, and word-of-mouth are your best bet.
We must have solid evidence. Hearsay evidences are not admissible in court. Private Investigators should not manufacture or fabricate evidences. Illegally obtained evidences may not be admissible in court; even if they are admissible, you will have to be charged for the crime.
We can collect photographic or video evidence of adultery or unreasonable behavior, as well as conduct investigations into matters like custody, maintenance, and assets.
To divorce on the basis of adultery, the existence of a sexual relationship outside the marriage must be proven. If there is no irrefutable evidence of the act, the courts also accept circumstantial evidence of adultery, such as photos of the parties being intimate in a car or checking into a hotel together.
Yes. Hiring a PI is legal in Singapore and the evidence will be admissible – so long as the PI agency is licensed and the methods of gathering the evidence were legal.
Mainly by using physical manpower/on foot. We can’t install a tracker on a vehicle if a client is not its rightful owner. Furthermore, a tracker is subject to a wide margin of error, as it only reveals rough locations and may not work in certain areas. We might arrive too late to capture photographic evidence of the target.
No. You do not have to give any particulars of the person until you engage the services of the company.
We try to gather intelligence to find out where the target will be travelling to in advance. If we can determine this, we would deploy a party to fly there ahead of the target. There have also been instances where we weren’t able to predetermine the target’s destination but managed to get on the same flight as them.
Only if the client is the rightful owner or subscriber of the device. Otherwise, we will advise the client accordingly.
No, it is illegal, due to Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA).
Private Investigators must be discrete and maintain strict confidentiality of the client. Private Investigators must have integrity and loyalty to clients and must have business ethics.
1) Only hire a licensed PI agency. All PIs need to undergo training and hold licences issued by the Singapore Police Force.
2) The cost of the investigation, which will be in addition to the cost of the divorce proceedings. This will vary based on the duration, complexity, and manpower required for the investigation.
First and foremost, a Private Investigator /Detective agency must be licensed by the SPF (Singapore Police Force.) Showing a potential client one’s past achievements and commendations are insufficient. It does not indicate satisfactory services. In this information age, information is easily accessed online. Reviews, testimonials, and word-of-mouth are your best bet.
We must have solid evidence. Hearsay evidences are not admissible in court. Private Investigators should not manufacture or fabricate evidences. Illegally obtained evidences may not be admissible in court; even if they are admissible, you will have to be charged for the crime.
We can collect photographic or video evidence of adultery or unreasonable behavior, as well as conduct investigations into matters like custody, maintenance, and assets.
To divorce on the basis of adultery, the existence of a sexual relationship outside the marriage must be proven. If there is no irrefutable evidence of the act, the courts also accept circumstantial evidence of adultery, such as photos of the parties being intimate in a car or checking into a hotel together.
Yes. Hiring a PI is legal in Singapore and the evidence will be admissible – so long as the PI agency is licensed and the methods of gathering the evidence were legal.
Mainly by using physical manpower/on foot. We can’t install a tracker on a vehicle if a client is not its rightful owner. Furthermore, a tracker is subject to a wide margin of error, as it only reveals rough locations and may not work in certain areas. We might arrive too late to capture photographic evidence of the target.
No. You do not have to give any particulars of the person until you engage the services of the company.
We try to gather intelligence to find out where the target will be travelling to in advance. If we can determine this, we would deploy a party to fly there ahead of the target. There have also been instances where we weren’t able to predetermine the target’s destination but managed to get on the same flight as them.
Only if the client is the rightful owner or subscriber of the device. Otherwise, we will advise the client accordingly.
No, it is illegal, due to Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA).
Private Investigators must be discrete and maintain strict confidentiality of the client. Private Investigators must have integrity and loyalty to clients and must have business ethics.
1) Only hire a licensed PI agency. All PIs need to undergo training and hold licences issued by the Singapore Police Force.
2) The cost of the investigation, which will be in addition to the cost of the divorce proceedings. This will vary based on the duration, complexity, and manpower required for the investigation.